Secure Dog Field

Dog Field at Davochfin Farm

Dog Health and Safety Guidance

  • The field is just under 2 metres high with 100mm/50mm fencing mesh.
  • There is a camera on the car park entrance with sound on it for your safety
  • Do not smoke or vape in and around the field, nicotine is very toxic to dogs if ingested so please do not.
  • Please pick up all dog poo’s and dispose of them in the bin provided.
  • Just before you leave please walk the field for missed poo’s.
  • If your dog is unwell whilst at the field please inform a member of the team on 07792770691 and try to clean it up best you can.
  • Before you let your dog off for the first time please go and check the field is suitable for your dog especially if you have a small Houdini on your hands. Measures have been put in place to prevent dogs from getting out but you know your dog best.
  • If something is not right or a gap or escape route has appeared please contact a member of the team ASAP on 07792770691.

How To Get In

  • Ensure numberplate is added at point of booking for the ANPR camera.
  • Draw into the driving range car park and reverse into the Dog parking area.
  • Make sure all gates are closed to the front and back of the vehicle.
  • Open the gates to the field and check the field is suitable for your dog before letting them in there.
  • Walk your dog on a lead through both gates closing them behind you.
  • Have fun, please be prompt with your times.
  • Please make sure all dog poo is picked up and disposed of in the bin provided before you leave.
  • Place your dog on a lead before exciting the field.
  • Please close field gates behind you.
  • Load your dog before you open the gates to leave.
  • Please leave parking gates open.

Costs (1 hour slot)

1 Dog: £8

2 Dogs: £10

3 Dogs: £12

4 Dogs: £14

Up to 8 Dogs: £20

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